Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 2nd

  I can't believe it's already the 2nd month of 2012, well we have a busy year we're going to have to crank it up and start working harder.  I just got really sick and had to call out of work I was pretty pissed because i hate doing that.  I feel a little better so i guess i needed to get some rest, I couldn't even workout today sad face.  I only have a small headache so I'll be great :)  

No pictures so here's a Koala  lol

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 29th SUMO

  Yesterday was so much fun, I had an expo to go to and me and Jen had to hit that gym lol.  I was in the Sumo event fighting guys hat where massive.  If i can get a video you are going to love it ;).  We where passing out Kickbutt Balls (an energy ball we all take to amp up our workout energy and an everyday kick) with T-shirts and just having fun.  Sumo Dan was the winner of the event he's like 300 pounds of Rock lol i had to be one of the unlucky people to go against him "Sigh" lol but in the end we ended up at a sushi place and had tons of fun. Thank you Eric for making this event amazing you're one hell of a trainer