Hello again everyone, thanks again for stopping by :) its been a crazy few weeks and totally getting harder to write this crazy blog but I'll do my best ;). I finished working on a few shows which was really fun, I was this crazy shirtless guy nothing crazy but its always fun to be working right :D. I've been hitting the gym crazy hard and I'll be shooting with a friend soon so I'm pretty excited to show you all my progress its going to be epic! My good friend Jennifer Bricker just came back from Dubai after a month so it was great seeing her, went to a farmers market in North Hollywood and bought some amazing food. Everything seems to be going really well and I'm so excited about it, working, booking jobs, just really making everything happen and having time to hang out with good friends. Time is going by pretty fast though it's almost my birthday again, I can't believe how fast this year has flown by its so crazy. I wish all my friends, fans and everyone out there an amazing rest of the year trust me you're going to blink and it's going to be gone ;)