Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13th

Hey you crazy cats, it's been such a crazy couple of weeks with work and trying not to die from over doing it but who can say the succeeded by doing things half a$$.  I'm laying in my bed writing this and feel so good about it because I woke up thinking I am just pushing three everything people said I could and would never do, its an amazing feeling and I'm so thankful. The #Qurnchla team has got me working like a crazy person I even have a shift from 10am-2am you should have seen my face when I confirmed and didn't realize what I had actually done because I work in the morning for them again...... shot me lol, but that's what it's about I feel #crushinit like a boss so you can hang with amazing people in the future.  God is so good I really couldn't have expected all this so soon and I'm so grateful. :') still living with 2 other people in a two bedroom apt but I'm moving on up I promise (crosses fingers lol) when I first moved to LA I was living in a 1 bedroom with 3 people -___- I was pretty over LA but sticking it out was the best thing EVER