Hello bloggers, I'm soo late lol. I wanted to post a new blog two days ago but things got so crazy and I got really sick and broke out :/ everywhere, but since that's over I can get back on track and catch you up. I hope everyone had an amazing 4th, it was crazy in Cali i think we used every firework made here lol. I'm going to work an event for QUENCH for ESPN and I'm pretty excited. I'm hoping I get to see some awesome people, Comic Con is coming up and I'm more excited about that than anything :D!! My life isn't crazy exciting lol so I'll make sure I let you know when it is hahah, my roommate and friend Jennifer Bricker has been the talk of the town for a good while know her story has been all over the world and it's crazy exciting. 20/20 filmed her, Good Morning America and it just keeps going, CONGRATS JENN!!!
I also found old pictures of me when I was back in Tampa Fl i dont know what i was doing lol just being silly I guess but it's always fun to be like that every now and than
And scene lol