Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jan 11th NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Man what a ride, I have to say its been a good one and I'm half way liking the new start.  I'm back on my blog and going to try and stay more consistent with it lol.  Last year was pretty amazing and I'm happy to say we all I hope made it a great one I know I did!! :D  Booked jobs worked on some amazing shows like Love That Girl (which I don't know when it airs to see it lol) but I hope you do ;) and Super Fun Night and one of my friends has already seen me on it :D EXCITING!!!!! The people I've met have been pretty epic the are driven and just so amazing to be around and I'm happy to have them in my life, I;m pretty excited to keep you up to date about what I'm up to and that you even listen lol ;)

Well here are son fun pictures of me and my new look, the work I've been doing and well just having a great time in LA!! 


                                                           LETS GET CRAZY!!!!
                                          Ain't no thang ;) but a chicken wang
                                           THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL